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Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support

AHA’s ACLS Course has been updated to reflect new science in the 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. This course builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR.

This advanced course highlights the importance of high-performance team dynamics and communication, systems of care, recognition and intervention of cardiopulmonary arrest, immediate post-cardiac arrest, acute dysrhythmia, stroke, and acute coronary syndromes (ACS).

This course is offered in person or online with a skills check. For more information on both options, please check below


Course uses learning stations for practice of essential skills simulated clinical scenarios that encourage Active participation

Hands-on class format reinforces skills proficiency

Classroom-based works well for learners who prefer group interaction and instructor feedback while learning skills

Course Content

Basic life support skills, including effective chest compressions, use of a bag-mask device, and use of an AED

Recognition and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest

Recognition and early management of peri-arrest conditions such as symptomatic bradycardia

Airway management

Related pharmacology

Management of ACS and stroke

Effective communication as a member and leader of a resuscitation team

E-Learning Option

HeartCode is a Web-based, self-paced instructional program that uses eSimulation technology to allow students to assess and treat patients in virtual healthcare settings. In this environment, students apply their knowledge to real-time decision making and skills development. Debriefings and coaching are provided immediately after each simulation to facilitate learning. After completing the cognitive portion of the course, students practice and test their skills with an AHA Instructor. Upon successful completion of the cognitive and skills tests, students receive a course completion card.

Successful completion of Part 1, the cognitive component, and Parts 2 and 3, skills practice and testing with an AHA ACLS Instructor, meets the requirements for obtaining an AHA ACLS Provider course completion card.

E-Learning Pricing

Re-certification E-Learning Key Only 


Skills Check Only


Re-certification E-Learning Key & Skills Check


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